Çay isteyen var mı?
Is there someone who wants tea?
Yarın derse gelmeyecek olan var mı?
Is there someone who will not come tomorrow?
Yarın derse gelemeyecek olan var mı?
Is there someone who will not be able to come tomorrow?
Anlamayan var?
Is there someone who didn’t understand?
Sütlaç yapmayı bilen var mı?
Is there someone who know how to make rice pudding?
Sorusu olan var mı?
Is there someone who has a questions?/Anybody have any questions?
Bir lirası olan var mı?
Is there someone who has one lira?
Kalemi olmayan var mı?
Is there someone who has not a pen?/ Anyone without a pen?
Uykusu olan var mı?
Is there someone who is sleepy?
(Uykusu var = he has a sleep!!!)
Beni anlayan kimse yok.
There is nobody who understands me.
Seni dinleyen kimse yok.
There is nobody who listens to you
Bana yardım edebilecek olan var mı?
Bana yardım edebilecek kimse yok.
There is nobody who can help me.
Yorulan var mı? (before the break)
Is there someone who became tired?
Yorgun olan var mı? (before the beginning of the class)
Is there someone who is tired?
Hasta olan var mı?
Is there someone who is sick?
Susayan var mı?
Is there someone who is thirsty?
Üşüyen var mı? Kombiyi açayım mı?
Is there someone who feels cold? Do you want me to turn on heating system?
Acıkan var mı?
Is there someone who got hungry?
Aç olan var mı?
Is there someone who is hungry?